All of you know my best friend ginger........

I mentioned her in one of my previous blogs which you should check out if you haven't checked it out so go quick!! Check out that blog and then come back to read this one.

Now that you're back, Let's get on with the topic of this blog.

As you know i befriended a female stray cat recently which surprisingly did not take much effort. But, a few days ago, i had new visitor. Unlike ginger he was too hesitant to come close to me and let me give him milk. I would make one move and he would run away like he saw a ghost. Just like ginger, he is a stray cat too. Well, 'he' has a name too, its Cobu.

So, this is Cobu, a cat i am yet to befriend. In this photo, he looks kind of angry, there is a reason for that.

Apparently, Cobu and ginger do not get along at all. Cobu sometimes tries to approach ginger maybe just to say hi, but ginger would always shoo him away. She would actually try to nail him in the eye! I have no idea why ginger is so unfriendly towards Cobu, but i am sure they can solve whatever problem they are having with a good talk.

Cobu is too afraid to approach me and he is absolutely terrified of Ginger. The poor guy would just hide in the bushes or meow at me from a distance. 

He must have seen Ginger coming here and getting milk so he comes often. I try to give him milk but he either arrives in the middle of the night or in the day when ginger is around and ginger just won't let him have any milk.

I was wondering, why was ginger so hateful towards Cobu, who had done nothing annoying or bad. I eventually realized the simple reason behind this.

As i mentioned in my blog about ginger, she had marked my house as her territory. Visit my blog about ginger- HOW I BEFRIENDED GINGER to know more about it. Cats are extremely cautious about other cats entering their territories and especially if they have their kittens around. This was the reason that ginger did not like Cobu being around.

Ginger is a small, thin light furred cat with a gentle voice. Cobu is big and muscular, he has dark fur, and a heavy voice. His meow sounds almost scary but he is just an adorable cat who is scared of everything and everyone.

He would come outside my door sometimes just like ginger. When i would come out, he would run and hide under the car. When i kept the bowl of milk down, i had to go back in as he was too scared to come out. He would look around and lick the milk off really quick. Both Cobu and Ginger never leave a drop, We all should learn from them and not waste food too!!!!!!!

Unlike ginger, he would like to walk around alone in the lawn or maybe around the house. He fancies sleeping under the car a lot. He does not like the sun. But he would often look at me and ginger playing in the lawn with sad eyes. He wants to play too, But he is too scared to go near anyone.

He would quietly sit behind the bush after he had his milk and look at me or anyone who was near. He is not that friendly but he sure is very curious of his surroundings.

That look does say- "Hey human, i see you with that cat, i am jealous. But do not come near me, please".

It is very much possible that even if you try your level best, you might not be able to establish a bond with some animals.Even if they might be of the same species or the same breed, But they still have different choices and personalities just like we humans do. If they signal you that they do not like being around you or are uncomfortable around you, its better to leave them off alone. You can still provide them with food and water, but from a distance to respect the space of the animal and make it feel comfortable.

When a cat is agitated or irritated by your constant presence, its tail would stand straight up or either curled around its own body. If you try to go close, the cat might hiss at you. If you still don't take the warning and step back, the cat might attempt to scratch or bite you. If its a stray cat, they are more aggressive than tamed cats and their teeth and nails might contain harmful bacteria too. So we should help them, but at the same time observe them closely and maintain caution.

Cobu would sometimes meow at me from my neighbour's house too and look at me through the fence.

He would sit there and keep meowing at me as he was hungry or wanted attention. Yes sometimes cats might just meow to us as they want nothing but attention. But this guy was hungry. After i showed him the bowl of milk through the fence and went and stood a bit away from him, he jumped the fence to come and drink the milk.

I think it is best to let him stay alone right now, if he is too hesitant, it would never be wise to force him.

I would also like to give you all an update about ginger's kittens. The kittens were hiding. One of them was looking outside and was curiously looking at me. I made sure it was safe for them to stay there.

It was looking at me with such pure and innocent eyes, it melted my heart.

I hope you liked my blog and also got some important and interesting facts and information from it. I will keep posting such awesome blogs. Thank you for all the wishes and appreciation all of you have been giving me and feel free to suggest anything in the comments below. Stay tuned for the next blog and until then, Stay safe and stay healthy.

Thank you.


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